Mandatory for Austrian doctors: Please enter your ÖÄK-Arztnummer. You can request your ÖÄK-Arztnummer on the website of ÖÄK ALTERNATIVELY you can enter your date of birth and we will request your ÖÄK-Arztnummer for you:
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If you are part of a team registration, please enter your team code below! If you are the first team member that registers for this event, leave the Team Code field empty. A team code will be generated after registration. Please share this code with your team colleagues!
Location: TBA
With best regards Barbara Horak, David Grünseis and Sarah Zollner T +43 1 536 63- 34, 62 or 105 F +43 1 535 60 16 E v 9 a m l 7 v h 9 v y a w w b c c j o s m a 0 t x